lunedì 11 marzo 2019

Kesté Field Trip

Kesté Pizza e Vino Trip
Friday, March 15, 2019

I am very excited for our trip to Kesté which is this Friday, March 15.

Please report to periods 1-3. After your period 3 class, please drop off your books in your locker, get your jacket, use the restroom if necessary, and meet me downstairs in the front lobby by 10:45 a.m.

We will leave for our trip once attendance is taken. I will have all students blacked out from periods 4-9. You will go to your period 10 class once we return to school.

venerdì 1 marzo 2019

Compiti - periods 7 and 9

1.   Come preferisci comunicare con gli amici?
2.   Quando sei triste (sad) o arrabbiato (angry), chi telefoni? A chi mandi un SMS?
3.   Ti piace Facebook? Vai spesso sulle social network? Cosa fai?

4.   Cosa lasci quando qualcuno (someone) non c’è?

5. Cosa usi per fare una telefonata interurbana?

Answer these questions for homework. It will be checked on Monday, along with the reading activity.