venerdì 26 aprile 2019

Esame Finale, il 5 giugno

Our final exam will take place on Wednesday, June 5. This test is worth 10% of your final grade.

For the final, you should study:

Capitolo 4
- Vocabolario - A Tavola, p. 99-100/Quizlet
- Verbi regolari in -ERE e -IRE al presente, p. 103 (you should also know regular -ARE verbs in the present tense)
- Verbi in -IRE con il suffisso - ISC-, (finire, capire, preferire, pulire) p. 105

Capitolo 5
-  Vocabolario - Il Telefono, p. 125
- Verbi irregolari in -ARE and expressions (andare, fare, dare, stare), p. 128
- I giorni della settimana, p. 131
- I numeri, p. 133
- I mesi e la data, p. 135

Capitolo 6
- Vocabolario - L'albero genealogico, p. 149
- Aggettivi e pronomi possessivi, p. 151
- Verbi irregolari in -ERE: bere, dovere, potere, volere, p. 154
- Verbi irregolari in -ire: al presente, (dire, uscire, venire), p. 155
- Sapere e Conoscere (conjugations and when to use each verb), p. 157
- I pronomi diretti, p. 159

Capitolo 7
- Vocabolario, Arrivi e partenze, p. 175
- Il passato prossimo con avere (regular and irregular), p. 178-179

You should also know the basics, such as ESSERE e AVERE, which are in your notes, on Quizlet, and in the textbook. 

Anything from the beginning of the year can be on this exam, but the above are the most important.

There will be listening, reading, writing, and grammar sections on the test. It will be a 45 minute exam and it will take place during class time. If you have extended time, please be sure to plan with me in advance when you will take the second section.

giovedì 25 aprile 2019

Extra Credit Opportunity - Ferrara Bakery

Ho molta fame!

Ferrara Bakery was founded in 1892, and is New York City's oldest Italian bakery. Many Italian immigrants settled in Little Italy in downtown Manhattan when they arrived to New York.

Should you go to Ferrara Bakery (195 Grand Street between Mulberry and Mott Streets) in Little Italy and get a cookie or pastry, you will receive five points extra credit on a test! I highly recommend getting: a cannolo, rainbow cookies, biscotti, sfogliatella....

As we need to expand our culinary horizons, I will not accept gelato for extra credit...mi dispiace!

You have one month to complete this extra credit opportunity. Please email me a receipt or picture of yourself enjoying your treat by Friday, May 31.  You may also hand in your receipt in class.

My email is

You do not have to sit and get service. You may get a cookie or pastry and leave (much cheaper).

Remember, if you would like extra credit, you should take the opportunities that I give, as I do not give extra credit projects for individual students.


P.S. Do not confuse the two different bakeries....La Bella Ferrara Bakery and Ferrara Bakery. Ferrara Bakery is the original, located at 195 Grand Street, between Mulberry and Mott Streets.

martedì 9 aprile 2019

Kesté Field Trip

Kesté Pizza e Vino Trip
Thursday, April 11. 2019

I am very excited for our trip to Kesté which is this Thursday, April 11.

Please report to periods 1-3. After your period 3 class, please drop off your books in your locker, get your jacket, use the restroom if necessary, and meet me downstairs in the front lobby by 10:45 a.m.

We will leave for our trip once attendance is taken. I will have all students blacked out from periods 4-10. You will go to your period 10 class once we return to school (should time permit).

domenica 7 aprile 2019

Esame, il 12 aprile 2019

C'è un esame venerdì, il 12 aprile.

Dovete studiare: 
- Vocabolario (La Famiglia), p. 149
- Aggettivi e pronomi possessivi, p. 151
- Verbi Irregolari in -ERE (bere, dovere, potere, volere), p. 154
- Verbi Irregolari in -IRE (dire, uscire, venire), p. 155
- Sapere e Conoscere, p. 157
- Esclamazioni Comuni (worksheet)

There will be a listening, reading, and writing section on this test as well.

In bocca al lupo!