lunedì 31 dicembre 2018

Esame Finale, mercoledì, il 16 gennaio 2019

Below you will find what you should study for the final exam, which is on Wednesday, January 16, 2019. Tests are normally on Friday for LOTE, however, LaGuardia creates a special schedule just for finals. The designated date for LOTE is Wednesday, January 16. Please check the Student Bulletin for the finals week schedule or the yearly calendar on the LaGuardia website. Remember: this is worth 10% of your final grade for Italian 1.

For the final, please study:
1. L'alfabeto italiano
2. Vocab - Saluti e Espressioni di Cortesia
3. I numeri 0 - 49
4. I numeri 50-100
5. La data, i mesi, i giorni della settimana
6. Vocab - La Città vocab.
7. Essere
8. Articoli Determinativi e Indeterminativi
9. Espressioni Interrogative (question words)
10. Vocabolario - Aggettivi
11. Making adjectives agree in gender and number
12. Le nazionalità ed i colori
13. Avere
14. Frasi idiomatiche con avere
15. Vocab - All'università
16. Verbi Regolari in -ARE, how to conjugate and the definitions of -ARE verbs
17. Le Preposizioni (p. 67)
18. Vocab - Pasti e Piatti
19. Verbi Regolari in -ERE e -IRE, how to conjugate and the definitions of -ERE and -IRE verbs

ALL of the above info. is on Quizlet ( There will be reading, writing, and grammar sections on the test. Be sure to study for at least 5-10 minutes per day and you will all do well.

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