Previously, you wrote a 15 sentence autobiography about yourself. You have received these 15 sentences back.
Now you will make a final copy of your rough draft. If you had all 15 sentences in your rough draft, then great! All you have to do is rewrite and type up your 15 sentences and follow the project guidelines below. If you did not meet the 15 sentence requirement, be sure to do so in the final copy of your autobiography.
This will be due on Monday, December 17, 2018 and will be worth a quiz grade. For every day that this is late, you will receive a 10 point deduction.
The main components of this project are:
1. Write 15 sentences in Italian about yourself,
2. Make sure your 15 sentences are TYPED,
3. Personalize your own Nutella label,
4. Make your project creative and beautiful,
5. Do not use Google translate,
6. Hand in your project on time,
7. Spell check your project!!
8. Please do not number your sentences or include any questions. You may just write your sentences in paragraph form.
9. Be sure to include accents when necessary. If you do not know how to make accent marks, you may print your project and write them in with a pencil.
Please do not wait until the last minute to complete/print your project. I am giving you one week to type, spell-check, and print a fully corrected rough draft. You may either go to the public library, the library at school, or see me and I will help (in advance, not the same day). Do not email me your project.
There will be a ten-point deduction for every day that this assignment is late. Your project is late if you: left it at home, left it in your locker, left it in a class, etc.
Please put effort into your project and make it beautiful and creative. This will help you achieve a high grade.
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